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These are from our trip to beautiful Cholula.

One of the many churches of Cholula. This is where we got off of the bus from Puebla. Cholulo is basically part of Puebla though.

The wonderful gardens of the Zócalo of Cholula.

Robin, Katie, Laura, Sarah

Here´s one with me in it.

Another church on the other side of the Zócalo.

Yet another church. This one is built on top of a huge hill that used to be a pyramid!

So there is this tunnel all the way through this huge hill. It was made by some indians (they still don´t know who). It was just totally amazing. We couldn´t figure out how in the world they might have done it.

Top: Robin, Laura, Katie
Bottom: Sarah

Same people with me at the bottom. Thanks Sarah!

Ruins from the Pyramid.

This is on the other side of the mountain from the tunnels.

Sarah, Katie, and Laura on the Pyramid

The other side of the tunnel.

We walked around the hill to go up to the church. This one was just really beautiful. It´s the one in all the post cards.

I´m not sure why it was decorated but it was really cool. The wind was blowing and it was just a beautiful day.

Pic of Katie and Me at the church.

This one turned out really well. We were trying to get the mountains in the background too.

Such a great view of the mountains. It was a beautiful day.

Even this picture can´t capture how awesome it was.

For good measure I HAD to get a picture of the volcano. It was smoking but you can´t really see it. What a beautiful town.