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These are from my trip to Mexico City for Independence Day! Unfortunately my pictures at night didn´t all turn out and my batteries died that night!!

This is the plaza right in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes and it was really starting to get filled with people... and it was only 6 at night!

It didn't capture quite right but this group has colored hair wigs and big sombreros with Mexico painted on them.

Here is the street walking to the Zócalo... man this was only the beginning! These streets got SOOOO full...

You can´t see how many people are in the Plaza but it was a lot! This was still 2 or 3 hours before the Grito was even supposed to start.

There´s David just amazed at all the crazy stuff going on. You can see some of the awesome decorations in the background too.

David is posing here for a photo so I can show you the medical workers. They were all ready for some kind of riot or bomb or something. It was really crazy.

The Cathedral looked really cool the way it was lit up that night and later they shot off all of these fireworks right behind the Cathedral after the Grito.

This is a picture of the palace where the Grito was done and you can see how many people were there already and it was really early. Later that night there must have been a few thousand people just in the Zócalo and I can´t even imagine how many more there must have been in the streets. It is really too bad that my batteries died because I could have had some really great shots.