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Check out some of these places...



Search Engines - there is only one!
Google All your base are belong to us... and it uses BSD!!

Favorite Sites Best place to start with Linux!
LinuxToday All the latest news on Linux...
KernelNewbies For you more advanced Linux users...
The Linux Kernel Download your own Linux kernel today!

LeMonde - French news site
Canal Plus (French) - French cable channel
(I recommend under "Les Videos de Canal+" watching "Le 12:30 le journal". Also be sure to watch "Les Guignols"!!)

Canal Plus (Spanish) - Spanish (SPAIN) cable channel
(click CNN+ Noticias for news)

N-TV - German branch of CNN
(on the middle left click "n-tv Live Stream" to watch german news!) - Get news from a different view. Read the Russian Governmental Daily, Pravda, in English

Al-Jazeera - Here is a really interesting news site. Get the view from the Arab world in English.